I was inspired to blog this evening because Davis is reading Groundhog Day (not the movie version, a 1st grade reader book) this week. Each night of the week there is an assignment associated with the book. Monday night he had to make a prediction on what the book will be about by the title and taking a picture walk. Tonight he was to list a question about the book before he read the book, while he was reading the book and after he finished reading the book.
Each night is much of the same for us. Vince gets home with Davis before me and Hanna. He starts dinner, Davis starts homework. I get home, jump in to help finish making dinner and we eat. We often give several reminders to the kiddos to eat. Clean kitchen. Give baths. Read. Bedtime. On a good night, they both stay in bed and don't get up.
Interestingly, today was anything but a normal night. I took a half day off from work to spend some QT with Davis. I picked him up from school, had lunch at the RDU observation deck and then we went to watch a 3-D movie. Vince had a meeting at church tonight so I was going solo with the homework tonight. On the upside, the shift in routine was good because it gave me a chance to work with Hanna practicing her handwriting.
Routines have their advantage, and generally the Walkers like them. But sometimes it's fun to bend the rules a little.
The kids hard at work after bath time, doing homework. The Walkers are all kinds of crazy mixing things up!